B to B Hearings and Meetings

This hub is at your disposal to enable you to carry out hearings and B to B meetings with potential local and foreign partners for opportunities of business relations.

Principles of business meetings

B to B Meetings :These meetings are open to any investor or potential partner wishing to learn about existing business opportunities and project leaders.

Hearings : they will be for projects that have been the subject of prior exchanges with an investor who wishes to conclude by entering into an agreement

NB :The hearings will be at the request of investors who have specific intentions for funding.

Areas where exchanges will take place

Crop ProductionLivestock ProductionForestryInfrastructure and improvements
production Market garden
Horticultural production
Other to specify ..
Animal nutrition Animal
Veterinary public health Animal
products processing
Others to be specified ...
Sustainable development
Wood processing
Other to specify ...
development Forest management
landing stage
storage warehouse
Rural land
Other to specify ...

Trade flow

The meetings will take place from November 22 to 01 december, 2019 according to a program of about 25 minutes per meeting in a dedicated hub that allows for several meetings at a time.
To participate, you must register and identify your area of interest before October 30, 2019, to facilitate the development of the meeting schedule and allow you to participate effectively in meetings.
A database of structures wishing to do B to B will develop the schedule of meetings.
For more information, please contact us.